Featuring the unique "ScienceToday" monthly magazine published by Times of India, during 1966-1991.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Wings to tomorrow - pictorial feature.

Today, let me tell you an interesting topic. Did you see the above pictures ?
In the July 1967 issue of ScienceToday, there is an interesting article about air transportation.
It deals with a variety of aircrafts of (the then ) tomorrow.

A pictorial feature on existing flying machines and a preview of air transportation of the future.

When the German Rumpler Taube flew in over Paris on August 30, 1914 with three small bombs, it looked verymuch like a bird. Today, after more than six decades man is a master of the skies. This is the story of air transportation of today and tomorrow - from the ground up.
The article gives a number of photographs of various air vehicles, of the past and under development. Please see some of them above.
I haven't given any explanation to the pictures. Are you interested ? Then I can ... !

This is one of the many articles- certainly very educative and informative - published in Science Today.  Don't you feel these are relevant and useful even today ?
 Yes they are, I believe.

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