Featuring the unique "ScienceToday" monthly magazine published by Times of India, during 1966-1991.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Duo, Quad, Hexa. Octa ?

Duo, Quad, and now Hexa. Not Octa ?

Computers are a game of 2. After DUO and QUAD, I thought the OCTA would come ! Then, how come HEXA ?

I had this doubt last day, when I read the news that Intel just designed their six-in-one processor. The report says, the world’s first 6-in-1 processor has been completely designed and developed in India. Intel’s Bangalore centre had designed the latest in their Xeon series. Xeon 7400 has 1.9 billion transistors in it, and drives SIX separate cores. This would be used in high-end, server type computers.

Intel, can I expect Octa shortly ? Or is it HexDesi ? What’s next in your journey to TERA cores ?


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