Featuring the unique "ScienceToday" monthly magazine published by Times of India, during 1966-1991.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Delhi, Cycles, 1966

And now, let's talk about Delhi.
I haven't seen our capital Delhi. I don't know when I will ! But I do see Delhi almost everyday; the TV channels show me Delhi well. 
{ Well ? I don't know !  Some of you please tell me how good is Delhi, and how well do 
these guys show me Delhi ! }

That's not the point now. I'll show you below, a graphic of a Delhi scene in 1966. Please read the caption.
Can you please tell me how many cycles are there in Delhi today ?  Must be many millions.
Or, should I ask you : How many vehicles { trucks /  cars / autos / 2 wheelers } are there in Delhi today ?

Do someone seriously take cycles these days ? I hope someone is !

But, I don't have a cycle !

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