Featuring the unique "ScienceToday" monthly magazine published by Times of India, during 1966-1991.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Science Fiction

Here is the first part of the listing of Science Fiction appeared in ST. The rest of the list will be posted shortly.

“Science Today” : The fantastic resource magazine

An index of Science Fiction

Compiled by http://scienctoday.blogspot.com

Dec, 1981       Science Fiction Films. How much Science, How much fiction ?
                                                                                             Jayant V Narlikar, TIFR (Viewpoint)

Sept, 1983    The rare idol of Ganesha                           Jayant V Narlikar    (First SF in ST ??)
Nov, 1983     The Southpaw strain                                  Bal Phondke

Jan, 1984      The brain child                                            Niranjan Ghate
Feb, 84          The mystery of the Monte Carlo lock      Raymond Smullyan (Excerpts from the first ever “Mathematical Novel”
Mar, 84          The shadow and the shishya                    Suresh Mathuna
Apr, 84           The Salamandar factor                             Laxman Londhe
May, 84          The Imposter                                             Bal Phondke
Jun, 84           The Martian Chitar (Part 1)                     Narayan Dharap
Jul, 84            The Martian Chitar (Part 2)                     Narayan Dharap
Aug, 84          He who lives by the sword                        G C Prasad
Sept, 84         Close encounters of the fourth kind (Part 1 )          Arun Sadhu
Oct, 84           Close encounters of the fourth kind (Part 2 )         Arun Sadhu
Nov, 84          Close encounters of the fourth kind (Part 3 )         Arun Sadhu
Dec, 84           The Green Invaders                                  Jayant Narlikar

(to be continued....)

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