Featuring the unique "ScienceToday" monthly magazine published by Times of India, during 1966-1991.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

"Science Today" : an invaluable treasure of knowledge on Science and Technology.

Hi all,
I had given a hint to you that this is a complete collection of the magazine "SCIENCE TODAY" ( from Times of India group, Bombay) published during 1966 to 1991. Now I am re-doing a verification of the status of the collection ( a couple of issues are missing it looks !!).  But, this is not just a collection of old issues of a magazine. This is a unique asset/knowledge resource created over time, taken care with effort, money, and dedication. 
Now, this treasure is available to all of you. My objective is to share this unique resource with all those needy person
Whoever and wherever you are, this is available to you. But how ?
1.  You tell me a topic; I can search for this item in ST, and let you know.
2.  You ask for a photocopy of a page, an article, an issue in full, OR even the whole collection.
3.  I can send you the copies through courier. 
4.  I can mail their images (taken with a digital camera) to you.
{ But, kindly note that searching, copying , photographing, courier etc.. involves effort, time, and cost. So, you may have to bear its cost - a very nominal one.
However, one or two pages, as an image, can be emailed to you absolutely free. }

I had mentioned about the photos of some of the cover pages, for you to see. But, the photos could not be uploaded. It always gives me an error messages. Sorry for that. Today I shall try with a low resolution image .



Ahmed A. Khan said...

Hi, Prasanna. You have a very interesting blog here. I grew up reading "Science Today". In fact, in 1986 and 1988, the magazine published two of my SF stories.

I have a request. Would it be possible for you to post a list of all the SF stories published in "Science Today"? This would be a valuable research for anyone who is interested in the history of Indian SF.

KP said...

Thank you Mr.Ahmed Khan.
I shall do the necessary search operation, and shall certainly post the information 9in a couple of days).