Featuring the unique "ScienceToday" monthly magazine published by Times of India, during 1966-1991.

Friday, September 14, 2007

"Science Today" is not Science yesterday !

“SCIENCE TODAY” is not about 'Science yesterday'. It certainly is about Science today too.
As I had mentioned earlier, ST deals with the then latest of Science and Technology (1966-1991).
After this many years, some of you may feel, the articles are irrelevant or obsolete !! But that’s not the case. All contents of ST are relevant even today. Not only that; some of the articles are so interesting (sweet ! ) and nostalgic !
It is interesting to go through the articles; how the technology was those days, compared to those today. This itself is an excellent study ; How the Science and Technology grew over the last 4 decades.
For the youth today, ST is an excellent media to understand how S&T was for their parents, at their youth. Is it not exciting ? !

ST has been presenting the basic science and technology in a very simple format, in language and presentation. Well structured (edited), the articles had all necessary illustrations, with photographs as well.
ST definitely has the reputation of being simple and digestible to the common man. The data are accurate, and authoritative.

“SCIENCE TODAY” is not science yesterday ! Its truly relevant today too.
“ST” magazine, per say, may be history. But its contents are certainly current, with a historical flavour ! My attempt here is to relive “Science Today” !


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