Featuring the unique "ScienceToday" monthly magazine published by Times of India, during 1966-1991.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Smoking is injurious to health

Rattled by the recent Cancer scare, a friend of mine , a chain smoker, decided to giveup smoking.
“ I’ll smoke the 29 cigarettes I am left with, and never touch another”. However, old habits you know.... Our friend soon found that 3 cigarette butts and a bit of adhesive tape , intelligently put together, could produce one very smokable and hard-to-resist cigarette. How many did our friend manage to smoke before he exhausted his supply ?
"Cigarette smoking is injurious to health "

Are you aware that , there are many excellant articles in ST, on Cancer, Cigarettes, and such health issues. In case you are interested, please ask for the articles.

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